Friday 28 March 2008

Cozumel, Mexico

We spent the better part of yesterday on the Yucatan Peninsula. The ship docked at Cozumel, the small island jst off the mainland and we took a ferry over to the Eastern Yucatan peninsula to visit the magnificent Tulum Mayan ruins. These were just a few of the things that I saw...... Even though I live in the Caribbean, sea this blue is just as thrilling for us. This was such a typical holiday scene. It is also the beach that lies just below the Mayan ruins and I couldn't help but think of all the human sacrifices that this beautiful vista has witnessed. Sobering really. Human sacrifice is not something that I think about every day but the fact that it existed among a people who were highly academic and intelligent made me think lots about the power of ritual and the ability of a whole civilization to move to the taboo with apparent ease once it's justified by religious ritual. Makes you think.
The side of a hand painted plate.
These wonderful chess figures are amazing in their detail.
This looked a lot like something that I know as "Scambled Egg Cassia" but will have to get home to check my Tropica.

This balcony scene is so Mexico, it's almost a caricature.
A Mexican God in one of the the craft markets.

A bunch of bananas. There are bigger and more impressive than the ones we get at home.