There are some places in the world that are very magical.
Montpelier Plantation Inn in Nevis is my magical spot

I love Nevis. And they are in real trouble with the tourism economy being hit very hard. The Four Seasons Hotel, which was the bread basket of the island, was damaged in last year's hurricane and has remained shut for renovations ever since. The result is a country with lots of people out of work. If you choose to go here for Easter, I wish I could come in your pocket.
This is the spot (well roughly) that Horatio Nelson married Fannie Nisbett. Big wedding in the seventeenth century. I like to imagine that some of the trees who witnessed this union are still standing today. The excitement, the bride, the good wishes must be branded on this spot.

These photos are slightly overexposed but they suit my mood for this place. Dreamy and out of focus.

I quote this from the website :
From Nelson to his Fiancee
"Boreas," English Harbour, August 19th, 1786
My Dearest Fanny,
Having seen in this day's newspaper, that a vessel cleared out from St. John's to Nevis a few days ago, I feel vexed not to have had a letter in the office for you: however, if I can help it, I will not be behindhand again. To write letters to you is the next greatest pleasure I feel to receiving them from you. What I experience when I read such as I am sure are the pure sentiments of your hear, my poor pen cannot express, nor indeed would I give much for any pen or head that could describe feelings of that kind: they are worth but little when that can happen. My heart yearns to you - it is with you; my mind dwells upon nought else but you. Absent from you, I feel no pleasure: it is you, my dearest Fanny, who are everything to me. Without you, I care not for this world; for I have found lately nothing in it but vexation and trouble.
These, you are well convinced, are my present sentiments; God Almighty grant they may never change. Nor do I think they will: indeed there is, as far as human knowledge can judge, a moral certainty they cannot; for it must be real affection that brings together, not interest or compulsion, which make so many unhappy.
Your most affectionate