It took us a day or two to realize that this lovely building that was outside of our 12th floor room was the famous Carnegie Hall. I caught the sun glinting off the windows in an unusual pattern.
Carnegie Hall is a concert venue in Midtown Manhattan in New York City located at 881 Seventh Avenue, occupying the east stretch of Seventh Avenue between West 56th Street and West 57th Street.
Built by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in 1890, it is one of the most famous venues in the United States for classical music and popular music, renowned for its beauty, history and acoustics. Carnegie Hall has its own artistic programming, development, and marketing departments and presents about 100 performances each season; it is also rented out to performing groups. It has no resident company, although the New York Philharmonic was officially resident there until 1962. To continue article click on text.
There is something incredibly peaceful about snow covered cemeteries. This pretty church did not suffer as much as a broken pane of glass on the dreadful day in September 2001. What did take the brunt was the ancient Sycamore tree that was felled by the debris. The sense of peace in this church will provide comfort to anyone visiting this site. It is literally across the road.
This was about as close as I could face getting to Ground Zero. Instead of looking closer, I spent more time in the chruch opposite to this fateful site. I quote from the sign in the churchyard.....
Hello. I simply wish to express the opinion. Personally very much it was pleasant to me. Continue in the same spirit.It's cool.Thanks.
Hi there. Enjoy your trip to NYC. It truly is one of the most fantastic places.
I tripped on to your blog by accident this afternoon as I was linking my blog to Ravelry. What struck me first was the name of your blog, then when I checked it out, such a wonderful surprise to learn you are from T&T. I was born there 42 years ago and still have relatives in Petit Valley that I visit every few years.
Love the photography on your site. You certainly have a photographer's eye. I especially liked the photos of Maracas. Oh the memories of my last visit. Hope to go back this October. Can't wait.
Take care.
Kim from Vancouver, BC
What is chutney?
Chutney is a mix of spicy, sweet and sour. It is boiled down and simmered to perfection. I make it every year with green mangoes, garlic, prunes and ginger. To me it summarized my life in Trinidad. With our genetic mix, lush greenery and varied customs, we are really a chutney people and my garden reflects this.
That's the mission statement, I guess.
hi im new to this but reading ur blog was real cool..o & for the record i love chutney!
well i was jus browsing when i happened 2 see yr blog, actually what attracted me towards yr blog was the name,thought u were an indian coz chutney is an indian word.anyway u have a real eye for photography coz its amazing. it was like a tour 2 NY through yr lenses.
keep d good work
We just returned from NY too. I loved it so much, and I also posted about it. Glad you had fun.~~Dee
i think its cool how you mixed chutney with a garden glad you enjoyed your trip you should share more of your experiences
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