Thursday 20 March 2008

March Blooms Day Macro

Am I doing this right?


The Atom said...

Lovely!! From your garden I suppose..

~Emma~ said...

What a beautiful blog.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mum...but I bet she was very proud of you.
I will be visiting again!

alyssarz said...

wonderful blog! your pictures are astounding. sorry about your mother, though. my uncle died from cancer, and my great grandfather. :(

Saur♥Kraut said...


Fitzgarabaldi said...

I very inspiring and peaceful site and definitely not too cluttered. You must be a good designer in all your avenues of life?

You look tranquil too but with a hint of fireyness if necessary.

Your stories are warming and take us on a journey.

I'm trying to blog myself so tell me who you get that lovely title layout can't seem to find the tools on the blog page

ps I think you look more like your mum on her third and fourth photos. And I share the same sentiment as you and many. My parents are long gone many moons ago but the void is always there - it's like they left a space in the universe that is not to be filled!

Chrissy said...

Simply beautiful flowers...wish my photos were as beautiful as yours. So sorry to hear about your mom, enjoy your cruise.

Dawny P said...

Just found you blog and it is truly gorgeous. Your pictures are quite stunning. I'll keep popping back to see what's new. Sorry to hear about your Mum. I know exactly what you mean about feeling orphaned. My mum died in 2003 and I still miss her as much as I ever did. My girls don't understand it when I tell them that you are never quite the same once your Mum has gone. But I think it's true. Take care xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi, Your photos are some of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen. That woodpecker fascinates me as I live in Kansas and we have the red-headed woodpecker here pecking in our trees on our year. A totally different looking bird to say the least.
Keep up the great work with your photography, it makes me feel like I am there viewing right along with you

Moms Life Blog said...

Hi there, nice pics:) U did a good job! by the way, care to exchange links with me if its ok with u? Let me know:) Take care always and have a great weekend!

Last Fckn Laugh!! said...

What a lovely garden.
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers. Nice Blog.

oil man said...

damn shannon...

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful picture and comment about Lavender.

Dan Owen said...

Very nice blog. I love the photos.

Kathleen Devaux said...

Your pictures are wonderful. It puts a piece of sun in my day while here(in France)'s snowing outside....