Friday 14 January 2011


I was lucky to be in Cambridge MA for the big winter storm that swept through Boston on Wednesday. The storm was dramatic and beautiful. It is remarkable to see a landscape transformed so completely. I am just here for a week so I feel very fortunate to have witnessed a true winterscape. Coming from the tropics, it's wonderful to see nature in action in such a powerful way.
The winter dormancy is a fascinating thing to me. It is a reminder about the importance of hibernation. Tropical people are sometimes like our landscape - brightly coloured, flamboyant, and incessantly moving. The constant motion of the tropics means things grow quickly. The constant hothouse ambiance carrying us from one event to the other with very little time for rest and reflection.
With just two seasons do we take different lessons from the land? As beautiful as Trinidad is, I miss nature's lesson that a bud encased in ice will burst into bloom in spring.


Nan Sheppard said...

All my snow pics are just grey! Maybe the snazzy new camera will do better. Anyway, the snow is gone here, just drizzle.

Chennette said...

Happy New Year! Love the ice photos.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Lovely post! I personally enjoy the 4 seasons but right now am wishing for the tropics :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures! Winter is also one of my favorite reminders that it's okay to be dormant for a while; there can be a lot of productivity going on behind the scenes.

bellibabies said...

WOW! That is an absolutely beautiful picture of the snow laden branches!!

My Chutney Garden said...

Thanks all! Great to see old friends and to welcome new ones.

wood stove said...

those snow laden branches are amazing. when in the winter, I tend to depends more on the wood stove in the house. you are quite brave. aha