Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Fox among the Bromeliads

If you had asked me the least likely thing to make it onto my blog, I may have gotten to fox. But here he is in all his glory. Certainly not from Trinidad. He is courtesy my sister Jennifer's friend Stuart. Thank you Stuart. He is gorgeous. I didn't even know that they had foxes in Miami. Big city that it is, Miami never fails to amaze me with its wildlife. Jen, I'm really sorry that Mummy couldn't see this. I told her about it on the phone and she was really interested. A spark.

Unusual Colour Combinations

I have lots of cordylines in my garden. They are a great addition to any bed because the colours change depending on the amount of sun that they get. Nature does the most amazing colour pairing. Look closely at the pink edge of this foliage. Unusual combination of red and pink to say the least.
My miniature pineapple has a new one again. I just keep putting the tops back in the ground and am slowly building up a small collection. I've never tried to eat them. I'm sure they're just decorative.This I did eat and it was delicious. Remember we saw it as a flower?
I adore begonias. Unfortunately the feeling is not mutual. I have very clayey soil and the hybrid begonias are not as hardy as their common cousins like the bread and cheese. This particular one is quite hardy and I just love the dots on the leaves.

Chancy, please help. This is my new bed. I paired them for the colours but have no idea what either one is called. Aren't the colours lovely?