Trinidad has a very active art scene. Our artists are common sights around the country. There is a group that meets weekly to head out to different spots in Trinidad to paint. It's a useful exercise for artists to work together as it allows them to explore different techniques with the useful feedback of colleagues
I was lucky to come across them in the Horticultural Society's Weekly Flower Sale. I was there with my camera so I had a different experience but it was interesting to watch them work. Peter Sheppard is well known for his miniatures and he was "stretching", enjoying the opportunity to work in a different style.
The vibe with this group is always lovely This week they are due to go to the Boissierre House around the savannah. The palettes were works of art in themselves
Beverley Fitzwilliam Harries and Carolyn Lewis at work
Peter's different piece, I would challenge anyone to identify this as a Peter Sheppard.
A nationalistic bromeliad
*Event dates subject to change. Please verify the event you are interested in with respective Gallery.