Okay, I can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes. It's taken me almost six months to figure out that I keep missing Bloom Day. I hope I can make up for all my rambling, non-gardening posts that must drive the purists mad. The same gene that makes it impossible for me to follow a recipe, makes me incapable of staying on one subject.
But here we go; this is what my garden is doing today.
It's a showcase of old faithfuls. Here is Mussaenda erythophylla, I think- something tells me that this is Princess?????Family: Rubiaceae (coffee family) hybrid. I HAVE to get the horticultural bible, Tropica. By the way, my coffee plant is blooming again and there is nothing as divine as that smell. I will post it tomorrow when all the blooms have opened. It is truly one of the most spectacular flowering plants in my garden. But it only lasts about a day.
This delicate mussaenda is a hybrid that is different to the more common dark salmon mussaenda. The silky feel of both the flowers and the leaves of this plant make it an excellent addition, for both colour and texture, to any tropical garden.My Double Chaconia. The single chaconia (Warszewiczia coccinea) is the national flower of Trinidad and Tobago and the double was an indigenous sport that spontaneously occurred in Trinidad's rain forest. Well renowned agriculturalist, Dr Johnny Lee, is the author of the informative article from which I quote: .........
"CHACONIA VS. CHACONIER The origin of the name Chaconia is also in dispute. Generally thought to be named after Don Jose Maria Chacon, the last Spanish governor of Trinidad, some prominent naturalists disagree: They believe that the name is derived from the French word chaconne, a folk dance, in which the participants wore little flags similar to the blooms on the trees. They also feel that the name should be spelled Chaconier and not Chaconia.".The Double Chaconia (Warszwiczia coccinea.cv. "David Auyong") by Dr. Johnny Lee.