It's been too long. For some reason, I went dry. But Carnival and Christmas are behind us and it has finally stopped raining and my garden is so beautiful tonight in the almost full moon that it is breaking my heart. These are shots from this afternoon as the sun was going down. My vandas have finally been given a reprieve from the deadly batchacs. I know it is but a temporary cease fire but I am enjoying the the white flag moment.
The very centre of this vanda is almost like a face.
Twins in the centre of the bougainvillaea
White Begonia or bread and cheese A brand new shampoo ginger. My very first flower.
Vanda back lit.
This is the first bloom of this orchid which I believe is a cattleya. It is delicately scented and if other years are anything to go by, it should bloom until about October. But it is never as fresh and pretty as it is on the first day.